Davidsons Mains Breakfast Club

Information about the club is below and Jillian Owen can be contacted on 0131 332 8001 or via info@northedinburghchildcare.co.uk

  • Location
    Within Davidson’s Mains Primary School at Corbiehill Road.

  • Number of places
    We currently offer a maximum of 45 places per day, Monday to Friday during Term Time.

  • Opening Times
    Davidson’s Mains Breakfast Club opens at 7:45am, Monday to Friday during Term Time.

  • Breakfast Club
    Children have a nutritious breakfast and have time to play before school begins. All P1/P2 children are accompanied to their lines where staff wait with them until their teacher takes them into the school.

    All of the staff who work within this club are employed as part of North Edinburgh Childcare’s childcare team and help to run it’s extensive Out Of School care service. All have been recruited through the organisations robust recruitment procedures and are registered as either Practitioners or Manager’s with the Scottish Social Services Council.

    Places must be booked in advance.

Meet the Breakfast Club Staff

Dawn Walker
Davidson’s Mains Breakfast Club Worker
Sia Wang
Sia Wang
Davidson’s Mains Breakfast Club Worker